
Configuration for Apple App Store

Register App Store information#

Navigate through the Nbase dashboard > Project Settings > Store > App Store menu in order.

  • Version: Enter v3.
  • Bundle ID: During receipt verification, if the bundle ID in the Apple receipt (XX.XX.XX) does not match, it is considered a fraudulent transaction and the payment is failed.
  • Key ID: Enter the Key ID value set in the [Apple ID Integration Environment Settings Manual].
  • Private Key: Upload the .p8 file downloaded from the Key settings.
  • Apple Password: If the fake payment verification does not match, the payment will be processed as a failure. App Store

How to check Apple Shared Secret#

  1. App Store > Select Project > App Information > App Shared Secret > Click on the Manage text.
  2. Users and Access > Shared Secret

Add in-app products on the console#

  1. App Store Connect > My Apps > Select Project > In-App Purchases > Click the + button.
  2. Fill in the In-App Purchase creation popup and click the Create button.
  • Type: Nbase SDK only supports consumable type, so it must be selected as Consumable.
  • Reference Name: The name of the in-app product shown only in the store console (not the name shown to users).
  • Product ID: Unique ID for the in-app product.
  1. Availability > Click the Set Availability button to set the countries.
  2. Price Schedule > Click the Add Price button to set the Base Country/Price.
  3. App Store Localization > Click the + button to add the in-app product name and description.
  4. Review Information > Write additional information for review with screenshots.
  • Screenshot: Screenshots of the added in-app product. If it does not fit the required size, you cannot add a screenshot. (Check [App Review Screenshot Specifications])
  • Additional Information for Review: Write a description of the new in-app product location.
  1. After entering the screenshot and additional information for review, save them using the Save button at the top, then the Submit for Review button becomes active. You can proceed with the review of adding the in-app product separately from the app review.

Register the in-app products on the dashboard#

  1. Nbase dashboard > Purchase > In-app Purchase > Click the Add button.
  2. Set the status and enter the Store / Product Name / Product ID before clicking the Add button.
  • Status: Must be registered as active. (Inactive for unused products)
  • Store: Select the store where you want to register the in-app.
  • Product Name: The name of the in-app product.
  • Product ID: The in-app ID entered in the store console.

App Store server notification#

This section is used for retrieving data on payment cancellation, and Nbase only supports V1 notification.

Notification address can be found by clicking the copy button in Nbase dashboard > Purchase > Canceled Payment > Billing Fraud Prevention Settings. (The related address varies depending on the dashboard region).

StoreKit configuration for in-app purchase#

  1. Create a file named SyncedProducts.storekit and sync it. StoreKit
  2. Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme > Run and check if it's connected to StoreKit Configuration.
    You can create a new file by selecting StoreKit in the root folder. StoreKit