
Plugin Server

Plugin server#

The plugin server offers a variety of features to help game developers make their games richer and more diverse. This page lists the Nbase features that can be integrated by the plugin server and explains the advantages of using it.

Main features#

  • Statistics inquiry
  • Leaderboard
  • Friend management
  • Data store
  • External payment (Xsolla, PlayFab, MyCard, Danal, etc)
  • External payment item management
  • Self-verification (for Korea)
  • API usage inquiry

SWAGGER API documentation#


Statistics inquiry#

Through the plugin server, you can inquire about various statistical data within the game. This enables developers to easily browse data and run analysis tasks, such as identifying user behavior and monitoring game progress.


The leaderboard plays a significant role in motivating users and increasing engagement with the game. Users can compare their achievements with others and check their rankings within the game through the leaderboard.

Key features and benefits

  1. Performance comparison: Users can compare their in-game performance with others through the leaderboard, allowing them to objectively evaluate their skills or progress.

  2. Stimulating competition: The leaderboard stimulates competition among users. To climb up the ranks, users invest more time and effort into the game.

  3. Goal setting: The leaderboard provides users with specific goals to achieve, such as overtaking the next user in rank or breaking the highest score.

  4. Community formation: A community naturally forms among users with common goals. Users can strengthen their relationships by celebrating each other's achievements and sharing game strategies.

  5. Rewards and incentives: Users who rank high on the leaderboard can be offered in-game rewards or certificates as incentives. This increases users' sense of achievement and continuous interest in the game.


  1. Data collection: Collect game data from users (e.g., scores, levels achieved).

  2. Sorting and ranking: Sort users' performance based on collected data and determine their ranks. Various sorting algorithms can be used in this process.

  3. Leaderboard update: Update the leaderboard at a set frequency (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly). A real-time update system can also be established.

  4. User interface: Provide an intuitive user interface so users can easily check the leaderboard and their ranks.

  5. Security and fraud prevention: The leaderboard system needs security measures to prevent fraudulent activities, such as detecting and removing anomalously obtained scores.

The leaderboard feature is an effective way to enhance the competitive elements of a game and facilitate interaction among users.

Friend management#

The friend management provides the ability for users to add and manage friends within the game, fostering social interaction and community formation within the game.

Data store#

The data store offers a system to save, manage, and search various data generated within the game. This plays a crucial role in the game development process, comprehensively covering various information such as game progress, user settings, and performance records. Efficient use of the data store can significantly improve game stability and user experience.

Key features and benefits

  1. Data storage and management: Save and manage users' game progress, settings, item possession status, etc. This allows users to accurately restore their progress when restarting the game after a break.

  2. Real-time data synchronization: In multiplayer games, synchronizing data among multiple users is crucial. The data store synchronizes data in real-time, providing a consistent game environment for all users.

  3. Data analysis and statistics: Analyze various data generated within the game to understand user behavior, the efficiency of the game's economic system, the popularity of items, etc. This helps to identify areas for improvement and enhance the user experience.

  4. Security and stability: The data store ensures the stability and security of user data. Data is encrypted and protected from unauthorized access. It also provides a backup and recovery system to prevent data loss.

  5. Flexible data modeling: Developers can design the data model according to the game's requirements and easily modify and expand it as needed. This allows for flexible management of the data store as the game evolves.

  6. Efficient resource management: Using cloud-based data store services enables efficient management of server resources. Resources are automatically adjusted based on usage, achieving cost efficiency and performance optimization.

Use cases

  • Progress saving: When users resume games, their previously acquired items, level, location, etc., are accurately restored.

  • Settings saving: Save individual game settings (e.g., sound level, graphics settings) and apply them when the game restarts.

  • Leaderboards: Save users' achievements in the data store and create leaderboards based on this data for all users or among friends.

  • In-game economy: Manage users' item purchases and trade history, and monitor the balance of the in-game economic system.

Game developers can effectively manage game data through the data store and provide users with a smooth gameplay experience.

External payment service integration#

External payment service integration supports various payment methods for users to purchase items within the game using their preferred payment method from anywhere in the world. By integrating with various payment service providers, such as Xsolla, PlayFab, MyCard, Danal, etc., game developers can easily access global markets and provide convenience to users.

Global payment service providers

  1. Xsolla: A global payment service platform supporting over 700 payment methods in more than 200 countries and regions. Game developers can use Xsolla for integrated payments, subscription management, and in-game store construction.

  2. PlayFab: A cloud-based game service platform provided by Microsoft, offering not only payment processing but also data analysis, multiplayer services, server hosting, and more.

  3. MyCard: A payment service used mainly in Taiwan and Southeast Asia, supporting various online games and digital content payments.

  4. Danal: A mobile payment service provider based in Korea, offering various payment options such as mobile phone payments and credit card payments.

Integration process

  1. Select a payment service provider: Choose a suitable payment service provider considering the game's target market and user base.

  2. Contract and partnership: Sign a contract with the selected payment service provider and discuss technical and commercial terms.

  3. API integration: Refer to the API documentation provided by the payment service provider to integrate the game system with the payment system. This process involves implementing functions such as payment authorization, cancellation, and verification.

  4. Test/QA: Conduct extensive testing and quality assurance to ensure the payment system operates correctly.

  5. Launch and monitoring: Release the payment system within the game and monitor payment processing in real-time. Respond promptly to any issues that arise.

Management of items purchased through external payment#

Developers can conveniently perform purchasing, distribution, and management of external payment items purchased through the external payment.

Self-verification (for Korea)#

For games serviced in Korea, a self-verification feature is provided in accordance with legal requirements. This allows users to safely use the game, and developers can ensure compliance with the regulations.

API usage inquiry#

Provides the ability to inquire about API calls and usage through the plugin server. Developers can monitor system performance and perform optimization tasks as needed.