
Custom Analytics

User Analytics#

By default, users' log data are automatically stored via login and payment functionality of the Nbase SDK. With the logEvent function, it's also possible to export the log data only without the login and payment functionality integrated.


No separate installation required. With the basic SDK installed, use the logEvent function to export the event data.

Getting started#

userId must be entered for logs to be stored correctly.


Send events after login#

NBase.trackEvent("loginlogs", (status, error) -> {

Send events after sign-up#

var loginParam = new NBaseSDK.NBase.TrackingParameter(status: true, serverId: "server#1");
NBaseSDK.NBase.trackEvent("joins", loginParam, (status, error) => {
if (error != null)

Send events after payment#

var purchaseParam = new NBaseSDK.NBase.TrackingParameter(
status: true,
productId: "P12345", // product ID
paymentId: "google", // google, apple, amazon, one ...
orderId: "Ord1234",
currency: "USD",
price: 9.99,
serverId: "Server1"
NBaseSDK.NBase.trackEvent("purchases", purchaseParam, (status, error) => {
Debug.Log("[Unity] trackEvent...ok " + status);
if (error != null)

productIdstringProduct IDY
paymentIdstringgoogle, apple, amazon, oneY
orderIdstringOrder ID of the transactionY
pricedoublePurhcase priceY
serverIdstringServer IDN
  1. SDK utilizes useful information, such as operating system and app version, to automatically send event data.
  2. Logs that are automatically sent can be managed manually. This specific SDK does not track events automatically, requiring the trackEvent to be called. Therefore, it is recommended to run the trackEvent after the application launched.
  3. The trackEvent function does not run in the background.
  4. Only strings and integers are allowed on the user definition fields.